The Brotherhood Sister Sol has achieved a wide array of media attention for its work and been covered by outlets such as ABC, The Amsterdam News, CBS, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, CNN, The New York Daily News, Essence, Global Citizen, Huffington Post, MSNBC, NY1, The New York Times, Newsweek, Playbill, Revolt, The Grio, TV One, and USA Today.
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NYC Teens Run Farmers Market in Hamilton Heights, WNBC
Jul 18, 2018
A group of enterprising New York City teenagers are getting some farm-fresh learning this summer. The youngsters recognized a need for fresh fruits and vegetables in their neighborhood and as John Chandler reports, they’re getting an education while fulfilling it.
WABC’s Here and Now Dec 21, 2017
Dec 21, 2017
Khary Lazarre-White discussing Bro/Sis and the criminal justice system.
HuffingtPost’s Op Ed, We Will Win, by Khary Lazarre-White
Dec 12, 2017
Intersectionality speaks to a world-view and perspective – a way to analyze overlapping forms of identity and varied experiences and also systems of oppression, a lens with which to view struggle and freedom that is inclusive…
Who Got Next: Creating Pipelines For Girls Of Color To Be On The Ballot
Nov 28, 2017
Organizations must nourish and buttress the political ambitions of young black and brown women.
WABC’s Up Close with Bill Ritter
Nov 26, 2017
Life on the street – and lives lost on the street.
Capital Press Release
May 1, 2017
The Brotherhood/Sister Sol announces $10.3 million dollars in funding toward the construction of the leading out of school time building in New York City – the creation of a model for the nation.
Making Change by Changing the Story
Jun 6, 2016
“We in the nonprofit sector are tackling some of the most difficult issues of our time,” says Khary Lazarre-White, co-founder and executive director of The Brotherhood/Sister Sol (Bro/Sis), a youth development organization based in Harlem that aims to cultivate a theory of change among disadvantaged youth.
Inspired by their mentors, Harlem group’s D.R.E.A.M. girls are bonded for life!
Nov 23, 2015
It’s not hard to spot the three-story brownstone where The Brotherhood/Sister Sol, a 20-year-old youth development organization, looks after and helps to raise some of the luckiest young people in Harlem.
Cidra Sebastien Op Ed Piece entitled: “Trumped Dreams Do Not Die Easily: Undocumented Immigrants and DACA.”
Aug 12, 2015
A reflection on the issues undocumented youth face as seen through the experiences of two members of Bro/Sis.
MSNBC’s Morning Joe – Khary Lazarre-White discussed President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative
May 4, 2015
President Obama’s ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ initiative spins off from White House Monday, and the group’s focus is to eliminate opportunity and achievement gaps for young men of color. Joe Echevarria and Khary Lazarre-White discuss.
What is Worth Fighting For, an Op Ed from Cidra Sebastien
May 1, 2015
When black and brown girls are videotaped beating each other down, the blame game quickly starts. It happened when video of a fight at a Brooklyn McDonald’s went viral. Everyone joins in to accuse and shame: What’s wrong with these girls?
Bold in Action: Passing it On
Apr 27, 2015
1995 Echoing Green Global Fellow Jason Warwin, co-founder of The Brotherhood/Sister Sol. Offering a peer group that provides guidance and support to Black and Latino kids without a lot of direction is the primary focus of Jason’s org.