The Brotherhood Sister Sol is more than a community center for young people. We are a family of educators, counselors, advocates, friends, and mentors who provide a safe space full of resources and love for our members through holistic programming and activities.
As a volunteer, you add to the network of support for our members. Whether you are a mentor–directly working with our members as they grow and learn, or an extra pair of hands, assisting with special projects, or a guest speaker, we welcome your contribution to our family.
Youth Related
On Monday evenings, from 6-7:30pm, adult volunteers pair up with our 8-12 year olds for an evening of fun! Activities include games, recreational and enrichment projects. Mentoring Night is more than tutoring and homework help; it is an opportunity to support the growth and development of our youth. Mentor-mentee partners create bi-annual projects to present to families and staff. There are also bi-annual Saturday trips.
For our teens, ages 13-18, or recent alumni, ages 18-21, adult meetings with members are more flexible. They can meet monthly, seasonally, or commit to allowing a member to shadow or intern at their workplace. Mentors provide insight on a specific career or provide guidance as members make the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
Guest Speaker
Guest speakers share their expertise on a range of topics, exposing members to career and college opportunities as well as teaching about important issues.
Organizational Support
Special Projects
We have people who dedicate a day, or several days, to work in the Frank White Green Thumb Community Garden – a 6,000 square foot urban greenspace and environmental center we steward (planting, landscaping), provide support at special events (registering guests, clean-up) and provide administrative assistance in the office.
Interested in volunteering with BroSis?
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with The Brotherhood Sister Sol. Please complete the volunteer interest form or email Tanique Dunkley at [email protected] for additional information on how to submit an application.