Summer Day Camp members had an engaging experience focused on art and activism, and fused with photography, wellness, and the environment. Centered on exploring various diverse photographers and artists committed to social justice, members used inspiration from their learnings to create their photography, painting, and mixed media work throughout the summer. Their culminating project, ‘Our Community,’ a photography and visual arts exhibit, was on display at the Johnny Hartman Plaza in front of our headquarters and showcased their creativity and how much they enjoyed being behind the camera.
We hope you enjoy the virtual art gallery of our members’ impressive and beautiful work on view below.
Share your favorite shot with us on social media using the hashtag #OurCommunityExhibit and tag us! (Twitter: @BroSis512, Instagram:@brosis512, Facebook: BroSis512).
Our Community Exhibit
by Summer Day Camp 2020
Ishmael Cleare Jr.
Madison Sappe
Living Life- When someone looks at this photo, I want them to see living life on earth, such as plants.
Mia Smith
Yasmeli Vargas
Jazmine Almonte
Brooke Gibson
Austin Rogers
Jauhara Holmes
Olivia Terrell
Santiago Lemache