Jul 16, 2024
ISP Member Arlesse:
Day three of being in brazil today we went to see our first favela the artwork was so beautiful. The graffiti really captivated me and it made me see the beauty of Brazilian culture. Before we went to the favela we stopped at an organization similar to Bro Sis called Instituto Entre Ceu Ea Favela, located in the first Favela ever created in Rio de Janeiro. It was really nice and the organizers were really sweet. I liked how they started as a theater group for kids so they can have something to do after school, but I also appreciate the ways they work to teach young adults skills in the favelas to help them gain jobs such as the salon room. I truly found that interesting and it was so beautiful. They also had a computer lab and a thrift shop upstairs. Another thing that I valued about the organization was that the try to hire people from the favelas so that they can have jobs. For example if they need a carpenter instead of going to a licensed professional they found it more important to hire someone from there community. As we’re on our way to the favela we took this trolly to reach the top of the favela and I was really able to take everything in and see the beauty of brazil. As we were going through the favela and walking up the steps (that almost took me out 😭) it humbled me to see how people have to do this every day and that this is their real life. After we left the favela we went to see Christ the Redeemer – it was so breathtaking and I really enjoyed the view. From the statue you could see the whole city of Rio. I realized that I love it here. Today was absolutely amazing.