For our young people, Bro/Sis is a second home and our commitment to them is our highest priority. This is the first time in Bro/Sis’s 25-year history that we have been forced to temporarily close our doors and move to remote support services for our young people. In these unprecedented times, however, we must do our part to protect our members and community by taking the necessary steps to ensure everyone’s safety.
Rest assured, Bro/Sis will remain a support system for our young people and we are here to serve them as they navigate these difficult times. Our core themes of Positivity, Community, Knowledge, and Future will continue to guide our work every day as our staff brings Bro/Sis programming to our members through internet-based meetings and support services.
We know that these difficult and dark times will have a great affect on our members – they have already seen their schools closed, their part-time jobs ended, and family members have already lost employment.
We know that economically distressed New Yorkers – those living in poverty and near its edge – will have an exponentially more difficult time facing this pandemic. In addition, this unprecedented situation is difficult for anyone to process and we must continue to support our young people to understand this new world.
Our members need us now, more than ever, and that is why it was so difficult to close our doors at this time. Bro/Sis members will always have us as a resource, even when circumstances prevent us from serving our young people in person. Our commitment to our young people is unwavering.
Our staff will be working full time to provide any and all supports that we can provide, to help our young people understand and navigate this crisis – and emerge from it. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.
We will need your support more than ever – we can’t do this work without you. Thank you for your ongoing support of Bro/Sis – for helping us build our beloved community. We thank you for standing with Bro/Sis.