
John Paul Infante

Development Associate

BroSis Alum ’01, employee since ’20

John Paul “JP” Infante is a New York City award-winning writer and educator. JP has taught as a New York City high school teacher and a creative writing Adjunct Professor at Lehman College. He is the author of On the Tip of Your Mother’s Tongue and Aquí y Allá: un Retrato de la Comunidad Dominicana en Washington Heights. He won PEN America’s Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize and Thirty West’s Chapbook contest. His writing has appeared in Kweli, The Poetry Project, Rigorous, A Gathering of the Tribes, and elsewhere. JP also wrote the biographical narratives that served as the foundation for two documentaries in The Legacy of Brilliant Minds series. His writing has been awarded the Bernard L. Einbond Memorial Prize for Fiction and DTM Magazine’s “Latino Identity in the US” essay contest. He’s been awarded grants from the Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance and a scholarship from The New York State Writers Institute. He was awarded Pen America’s Writing as Activism Fellowship and The Center for Fiction / Susan Kamil Emerging Writer Fellowship. JP has done grant writing for organizations like the Dominican Writers Association. He is an alum of BroSis and previously worked with BroSis for five years as a youth worker and organizer. He holds an MFA from The New School.