Dominique Mitchell
Chapter Leader & After School Program Facilitator
Dominique is an alumnae of The Brotherhood/Sister Sol. While a member she participated in nearly every program at Bro/Sis – including studying with Bro/Sis abroad in South Africa, Ghana and Brazil and serving as a youth representative to Bro/Sis’ Board of Directors. Dominique is now a Sister Sol Chapter Leader and an After School Program Facilitator at Bro/Sis.
Dominique has been employed in youth development since 2012. She previously worked at the Police Athletic League as a site director where she supervised up to 60 youth, managed staff and created workshops; and as a student advocate at the Harlem Children’s Zone where she supported 8th graders as they matriculated to high school, created workshops on history and socio-emotional learning and led single gendered classes. She has also worked previously at Bro/Sis as a part time staff person in our After School Program and Summer Day Camp.

Email: [email protected]