ASTEP (After School Teen Enrichment for youth ages 13-18) operates 5-days-a-week from 3:00-7:00pm. Teens have access to a computer lab and Teen Lounge for study or chill time when not engaged in one or more of the following activities:

Hip Hop/Studio Class

The BroSis studio will function as a digital music production learning center where members learn to utilize software in order to create and record their own music. Another facet of the program will include vocal training and stage performance savvy. In addition, the program will expose members to different musical genres outside of current popular music such as Jazz, Rock, Soul, Folk and Metal to name a few.
The study of theoretical elements of music including sound, pitch, rhythm, melody, harmony, and notation will also be included in the course syllabus. Also, one of the most neglected aspects of music; the business, will be explored and analyzed for members’ edification. Another critical element to the class will be an overall historical perspective on Hip Hop culture’s impact and influence on American society. After every session members will be charged to write eight bars related to anything they learned during session, and will share during check-in the following week.

Writers Collective (WC)

Youth hone their creative voice and poetry, spoken word and creative writing in a process of nurtured reflection and exchange. Workshops and discussions enable them to examine social justice issues to understand the world and their place in it, and as inspiration. WC members develop performance skills and compete in slam and writing contests.

Bro/Sis Arts

Youth explore the performing arts (acting, writing, dramaturgy, producing, directing) to deepen their understanding of social justice issues and to build the Bro/Sis Repertory Company. They examine the history of the arts and its impact on social movements, learn from diverse professional artists, and collaborate on the creation of original theatre pieces.

Environmental Program

includes Gaia Renaissance and Prove it to Gaia (PITG). Gaia Renaissance is an environmental leadership development project for youth ages 14-18. Members create a Mission Statement and definitions for “environmentalist,” “leader,” and “team partner” that they strive to uphold. They maintain the Frank White Community Garden adjacent to our brownstone, collaborate on environmental justice projects with other organizations, and provide guidance and support to PITG. (PITG is a component of our Summer Leadership Program. Teens are paid to work in the garden on landscaping, construction, and maintenance projects.)


of BroSis alumni have graduated from high school or earned a GED

"I believe so deeply in the life-saving work that The Brotherhood Sister Sol is dedicated to: values and skills building that empower young people and keep them on course; helping young people to see and develop the extraordinary within themselves; ensuring their safe passage to adulthood. It is surely one of the most incredible organizations in the nation. Their work is catalytic! Their leadership, their services and outcomes are without peer. Simply put, The Brotherhood Sister Sol does the work that few others will or even know how to do…. They have answered the call to repair the village, to secure the children. It’s our responsibility to ensure they have all they need to do God’s work."

Susan L. Taylor

Founder & CEO, National CARES Mentoring Movement, Editor in Chief, Essence Magazine

"[The Brotherhood Sister Sol] is using their passion to uplift and inspire a next generation through extraordinary work that creates leaders and a sanctuary for children…. where their members can develop a higher vision of themselves."

Oprah Winfrey

Founder of the OWN